Roberts County Sheriff's Office
It is the mission of the Roberts County Sheriff’s Office to treat those we serve and have sworn to protect with courtesy, respect, dignity, and compassion while achieving trust.
It is the goal of the Roberts County Sheriff’s Office to ensure Roberts County is a safe place to live, work, visit and raise a family. We will hold our oath with integrity and maintain trust within our community.
Impartial decisions and policies are the foundation of our interactions with the public. We are consistent in our treatment of all persons. Our actions are based with reason and equity.
We are dedicated to maintaining the highest moral standards by embracing the principles of honesty, trust and courage.
We protect the rights, liberties, and freedoms as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States by treating people with kindness, tolerance, and dignity.
We are committed to delivering quality law enforcement service by recognizing the importance of training, personal effort, teamwork, modern equipment, dedication to duty and strong professional standards.
Message From
Sheriff Appel

Welcome and thank you for visiting the Roberts County Sheriff’s Office website.
Roberts County, located in the Glacial Lakes region of the Dakotas, is home to over ten thousand people. With beautiful scenery and lakes that each season offers, Roberts County is a great place to live and raise a family.
With a staff of men and women, the Roberts County Sheriff’s Office is committed to securing a safe community and maintaining the trust and respect of those we serve by providing responsive, caring and professional Law Enforcement, Correctional, and Civil Enforcement Services. Our staff is committed to protecting the safety and well-being of this County’s citizens and visitors and we strive to make it the best it can be by training and possessing pertinent knowledge and equipment that enables us to perform our duties to the best of our abilities.
We care about our community and are continuously seeking out opportunities to partner with the public and to maintain an open dialogue with those we serve. By doing so, together, we make can make Roberts County a great place to live, work and raise a family. I hope you find the information on this site helpful and thank you for allowing us to serve you.